The OuterWorld

A hulking spaceship hurtling through the pitch black void, littered with countless displays and pieces of odd equipment.

A mess of jagged metallic textures and partly obscured bright colors do a lot for making this blocky world look far more interesting than it ordinarily might.
There are no stars in this void, which make it even more eerie and isolated than it already is. This does make it much easier to find the smaller, V-shaped ship hovering in the distance, the strange vehicle seemingly watching the OuterWorld vessel from its vantage point.
Almost every texture in The OuterWorld is see-through, which might give users a strange hint of unease - anything could be looking into the ship at any time, after all...

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Sound Effects
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In-World Links


Microsoft Corporation

Additional Notes/Information

The monitor in the back of the ship shows a spaceship, the texture listed as "bird.gif". I have yet to determine what ship is depicted here, if it is even from any particular piece of sci-fi media and not a unique model made by the world creators...

When viewing the world through Microsoft Author, mousing over the odd V-shaped ship in the distance reveals its name to be "Prism".

The most unsettling thing of all, perhaps, is a small easter-egg that can be found here: Opposite the docking bays, the entrances that appear to be made for smaller ships, there are segments in the walls textured like vents with what might be transportation pads on the floor in front of them. Beside each one of these segments is a rectangular box. The two on both the left-most and right-most sides are filled with simple metal textures, but the ones in between house strange figures. Humanoids made of neon light. Some are tall and stationary, others stretched and constantly oscillating.